Mark 5
ἦλθον] א* A B D K W Π f1 33 157 565 1071 1424 2427 Byz it vg copsa goth ς WH ἦλθεν] א1vid C E G L M Δ Θ f13 28 579 700 892 1241 1342 2542 al itq syr copbo geo EpiphaniusΓερασηνῶν] (see Luke 8:26) א* B D 1282 2427 itaur itb itc itd ite itf itff2 iti itl itq itr1 vg copsa Tertullian Juvencus Eusebius mssaccording to Origen WH NR CEI Riv TILC Nv NM Γαδαρηνῶν] (see Matthew 8:28) A C E F G H K Π Σ f13 157 180 597 1006 1009 1010 1079 1195 1216 1230 1242 1243 1253 1342 1344 1365 1505 1546 2148 2876 Byz l68 l76 l185 l292 l313 l514 l673 l813 l1223 l1552 l1761 lAD syrp syrh goth Diatessaronsyr mssaccording to Origen ς ND Dio Γεργεσηνῶν] א2 L U (W) Δ Θ f1 22 28 33 205 372 517 565 579 700 892 954 1071 1241 1424 1646 1675 2737 2766 pc Lect (l211 Γεργεσινῶν) syrs copbo arm eth geo slav Diatessaronarm Origen Hesychius Theophylact Γεργυστηνῶν] W syrh(mg) (Epiphanius Γεργεσθᾶν) See A Student's Guide to New Testament Textual Variants
ἐξελθόντος αὐτοῦ] WH ἐξελθόντι αὐτῷ] Byz ς
εὐθὺς ὑπήντησεν] א C D L Δ Θ f1 f13 28 565 700 1424 al (WH [εὐθὺς] ὑπήντησεν) ὑπήντησεν] B it syrs syrp εὐθέως ἀπήντησεν] A Byz ς ἀπήντησεν] W
μνήμασιν] WH μνημείοις] Byz ς
οὐδὲ ἁλύσει οὐκέτι] WH NR (CEI Nv) Riv TILC NM οὔτε ἁλύσεσιν] Byz ς ND Dio
ἐδύνατο] Byz WH ἠδύνατο] ς
ἴσχυεν αὐτὸν] WH αὐτὸν ἴσχυεν] Byz ς
διὰ παντὸς] Byz WH διαπαντὸς] ς
μνήμασιν καὶ ἐν τοῖς ὄρεσιν] WH NR CEI ND Riv Dio TILC Nv NM ὄρεσιν καὶ ἐν τοῖς μνήμασιν] Byz ς
καὶ ἰδὼν] WH ἰδὼν δὲ] Byz ς
αὐτὸν] A B C L Δ 892 1241 pc WH αὐτῷ] א D W Θ f1 f13 Byz ς NA
λέγει] WH εἶπεν] Byz ς
ὄνομά σοι] WH σοι ὄνομά] Byz ς
λέγει αὐτῷ] WH NR CEI Riv TILC Nv NM ἀποκριθῇ λέγων] E 565 700 1010 Byz ς ND Dio ἀποκριθῇ] D pc it
Λεγιὼν] א* B* C (D) L Δ 700c(vid) pc WH Λεγεὼν] א2 A B2 W Θ f1 f13 Byz ς
αὐτὸν πολλὰ] א B C Δ (W Θ πολλὰ αὐτὸν) Byz αὐτοὺς πολλὰ] (A πολλὰ αὐτοὺς) D f1 f13 565 700
αὐτὰ ἀποστείλῃ] B C Δ WH NR CEI ἀποστείλῃ αὐτὰ] Θ αὐτοὺς ἀποστείλῃ] D Byz ς ND Riv Dio TILC Nv (NM) ἀποστείλῃ αὐτοὺς] A 074 f1 f13 1241 al it αὐτὸν ἀποστείλῃ] א L pc vg syr cop ἀποστείλῃ αὐτὸν] K W 892 al
τῷ ὄρει] Byz WH τὰ ὄρη] ς
λέγοντες] א B C L Δ f1 22 892 1342 2427 al cop geo1 WH Nv NM εἶπαν] W εἶπον] f13 28 2542 πάντες οἱ δαίμονες λέγοντες] A (K M Π* 579 al it vg syrs syrp omit πάντες) 074 33 Byz syrh goth ς NR CEI ND Riv Dio TILC πάντα τὰ δαιμόνια εἰπόντα] (D omit πάντα) Θ 565 (700 λέγοντα ὅτι) pc ita
ἐπέτρεψεν αὐτοῖς] א B C L W Δ f1 28 788 892* 1342 2427 itb ite syrs syrp cop Epiphanius WH ἐπέτρεψεν αὐτοῖς εὐθέως ὁ Ἰησοῦς] A 074 f13 33 (1241) Byz itaur itf itl itq vg syrh goth ς ND Dio ἔπεμψεν αὐτοὺς] Θ ἔπεμψεν αὐτοὺς ὁ Ἰησοῦς] 565 700 εὐθέως Κύριος Ἰησοῦς ἔπεμψεν αὐτοὺς εἰς τοὺς χοίρους] D pc (itc) itd itff2 itr1 (iti) ἐπέτρεψεν αὐτοῖς ὁ Ἰησοῦς] 579 ἐπέτρεψεν αὐτοῖς εὐθέως] E ἔπεμψεν αὐτοὺς εὐθέως ὁ Ἰησοῦς] H U al
ὡς] WH ἦσαν δὲ ὡς] Byz ς
καὶ οἱ] WH οἱ δὲ] Byz ς
αὐτοὺς] WH NR Riv Nv NM τοὺς χοίρους] Byz ς ND Dio TILC
ἀπήγγειλαν] א A B C D K L Θ 074 f1 33 700 892 1241 1424 pm Epiphanius WH ἀνήγγειλάν] W Δ f13 28 565 1010 Byz ς
ἦλθον] WH ἐξῆλθον] Byz ς
καθήμενον] WH NR CEI ND Riv TILC Nv NM καθήμενον καὶ] Byz ς Dio
τὸν ἐσχηκότα τὸν λεγιῶνα] א* L Δ itaur vgmss WH τὸν ἐσχηκότα τὸν λεγεῶνα] א A B C W Θ 074 0107 f1 f13 Byz ς omit] D vg syrs
καὶ διηγή] ς WH διηγή δὲ] Byz
ἤρξαντο παρακαλεῖν] Byz ς WH παρεκάλουν] D Θ 565 700 1424 pc ita
ἐμβαίνοντος] WH NR CEI ND Riv Nv NM ἐμβάντος] Byz ς Dio (TILC)
παρεκάλει] Byz ς WH ἤρξατο παρεκαλεῖν] D vg
μετ' αὐτοῦ ᾖ] WH ᾖ μετ' αὐτοῦ] Byz ς
καὶ οὐκ] WH CEI Nv NM ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς οὐκ] Byz ς NR ND Riv Dio TILC
ἀπάγγειλον] א B Δ Θ 565 pc WH διάγγειλον] p45 D W f1 f13 28 700 pc ἀνάγγειλον] A L 0132 0134 Byz ς
ὁ κύριός σοι] (א) B C Δ Θ itff2 WH σοι ὁ κύριός] A L W 074 0132 0134 f1 f13 Byz vg ς σοι ὁ θεὸς] (see parallel passage) D (1242)
πεποίηκεν] Byz WH ἐποίησεν] ς
τοῦ Ἰησοῦ ἐν τῷ πλοίῳ] א A (B 299 447 830 996 1593 1661 2427 2446 2623 omit τῷ) C E F G H K L Δ Π Σ 0107vid 0132 0134 f13 33 157 180 579 597 892 1006 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1241 1242 1243 1253 1292 (1342 Ἰησοῦ εἰς Γεννησαρέτ) 1344 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 Byz itaur itf itl vg syrp syrh copsa(mss) copbo eth goth slav Diatessarona Augustine ς WH (NA [ἐν τῷ πλοίῳ]) NR ND Riv Dio NM τοῦ Ἰησοῦ] (see Luke 8:40) p45vid D Θ f1 28 565 700 788 2542 pc ita itb itc itd ite itff2 iti itq itr1 syrs arm geo CEI TILC Nv ἐν τῷ πλοίῳ τοῦ Ἰησοῦ] W copsa(mss)
πάλιν εἰς τὸ πέραν] א2 A B C K L W Δ Π 0132 0134 f1 28 33 892 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1241 1242 1344 1365 1546 1646 2148 2174 Byz itaur itl vg syrh copbo (goth) arm geo Augustine ς WH πάλιν ἦλθεν εἰς τὸ πέραν] f13 pc (copsa omit πάλιν) εἰς τὸ πέραν πάλιν] א* D 565 700 ita itb (itc) itd ite (itff2) iti itq itr1 syrp copbo(mss) εἰς τὸ πέραν] Θ 1230 1253 syrs copbo(mss) Diatessarona πάλιν] p45 itf
καὶ ἔρχεται] א B D L Δ Θ 892 vg syrs syrp cop WH CEI ND TILC Nv NM καὶ ἰδοὺ ἔρχεται] p45 A C W 0107 0134 f1 f13 Byz itc itf syrh ς NR Riv Dio
ὀνόματι Ἰάϊρος] p45 א A B C L N Δ Π Σ Φ Byz itaur itb itc itf itl itq vg syrc syrs syrp syrh syrpal copsa copbo copfay arm geo ς WH ᾧ ὄνομα Ἰάϊρος] (see Luke 8:41) W Θ 565 700 omit] D ita itd ite itff2 iti itr1
Ἰάϊρος] WH Ἰάειρος] Byz ς
παρακαλεῖ] א A C L 28 33 565 892 1241 pc copbo WH παρεκάλει] B W Θ 0107 0132 0134 f1 f13 Byz vg copsa ς παρακαλῶν] D (it)
ἵνα ἐλθὼν ἐπιθῇς τὰς χεῖρας αὐτῇ] Byz ita itaur itc itf itl vg ς WH ἐλθὲ ἄψαι αὐτῆς ἐκ τῶν χειρῶν σου] D itb itd ite itff2 iti itq itr1 (syrs syrp?) καὶ θέλω ἵνα ἐλθὼν ἐπιθῇς τὰς χεῖρας αὐτῇ] 157 ἀλλὰ ἐλθὼν ἐπιθῇς τὰς χεῖρας αὐτῇ] 225
αὐτῇ ἵνα σωθῇ καὶ ζήσῃ] WH NR CEI ND Riv TILC Nv NM ὅπως σωθῇ ζήσεται] Byz ς Dio
γυνὴ] א A B C L W Δ f1 33 892 1010 pc vg γυνὴ τις] D Θ 0132 0134 f13 Byz ita itf syrh ς
δώδεκα ἔτη] WH ἔτη δώδεκα] Byz ς
παρ' αὐτῆς] A B L 0132 0134 f13 Byz WH ἑαυτῆς] D W Θ f1 (28) 565 700 1424 pc παρ' ἑαυτῆς] א C K Δ 1241 al ς
περὶ] א2 A C2 D K L W Θ Π 0132vid 0134 f1 f13 28 33 565 700 892 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1216 1230 1241 1242 1253 1365 1646 2148 2174 Byz Lect syrp syrh syrpal copsa? copbo? goth arm eth geo Diatessarona ς τὰ περὶ] א* B C* Δ 1546 l33 WH
ἥψατο] Byz ς WH ἥψατο τοῦ κρασπέδου] (see Matthew 9:20; Luke 8:44) M f1 33 579 1071 pc eth
ἐὰν ἅψωμαι κἂν τῶν ἱματίων αὐτοῦ] WH κἂν τῶν ἱματίων αὐτοῦ ἅψωμαι] Byz ς
εὐθὺς] WH εὐθέως] Byz ς
εὐθὺς] WH εὐθέως] Byz ς
τρέμουσα] Byz ς WH τρέμουσα διο πεποιήκει λάθρᾳ] D (Θ πεποιήκεᾳ) 20 28 50 124 176 184 207 215 348 495 537 565 (700 1071 omit λάθρᾳ) 709c 718 773 829 1510* 2680 it
αὐτῇ] א B C D L 892 pc WH ἐπ' αὐτῇ] A W Θ 0132 0133 f1 Byz ς ἐπ' αὐτὴν] Φ f13 565 1241 pc
ἀλήθειαν] Byz ς WH αἰτίαν] 1 28 αἰτίαν αὐτῆς] W f13 pc copsa(mss)
θυγάτηρ] B D W 28 pc θυγάτερ] א A C2(vid) L Θ 0132 f1 f13 Byz ς
παρακούσας] (א* παρακαούσας) א2 B L W Δ 892* 2427 pc ite WH TILC Nv NM ἀκούσας] (see Luke 8:50) א1 D Θ 0126 f1 28 205 565 700 788 892c 1342 1424 2542 al l950 itaur itb itc itd itf itff2 iti itl itq vg copsa copbo arm eth geo slav NR CEI Riv Dio εὐθέως ἀκούσας] A C E F G H K (N 828 983) Π (Σ) 0131 0132 0133 f13 33 157 (180) 579 597 1006 1010 1071 1241 1243 1292 1505 Byz Lect (ita) syrh goth ς ND See A Student's Guide to New Testament Textual Variants
μετ' αὐτοῦ] א B C L Δ 892 WH αὐτῷ] A D K W Θ 0132 0133 f1 f13 28 33 565 700 1241 Byz ς
τὸν Πέτρον] א B C Δ WH Πέτρον] A D L Θ 0132 0133 f1 f13 Byz ς
ἔρχονται] א A B C D F Δ f1 33 579 1342 pc it vg syrp cop WH NR CEI Riv TILC Nv NM ἔρχεται] L W Θ f13 28 157 565 579 700 892 1071 1424 2542 Byz ita itc itf itff2 syrh copbo(mss) arm ς ND Dio
θόρυβον καὶ] ς WH NR CEI ND Riv NM θόρυβον] Byz Dio TILC (Nv)
πολλά] Byz ς WH πολλάς] B* πολλούς] Θ
αὐτὸς δὲ] א B C D L Δ Θ 33 892 pc WH ὁ δὲ] A W 0132 0133 f13 Byz ς ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς] Φ f1 pc syrh*
πάντας] WH ἅπαντας] Byz ς
παιδίον] א B D L Δ 0153 892 983 1689 2427 pc ita itaur itb itd ite itff2 iti itr1 cop WH NR CEI Riv TILC Nv NM παιδίον ἀνακείμενον] A C 33 124 157 579 Byz itc itf itl itq vg syr ς ND Dio παιδίον κατακείμενον] W Θ f1 (f13 κατακεκλίμενον) 28 565 700 2542 pc
ταλιθα κουμ] א B C L M N Σ f1 28 33 892 1241 al cop WH NR CEI TILC Nv ταλιθα κουμι] A Δ Θ Π Φ 0126 0133 f13 22 124 543 565 579 700 1071 Byz ite itq vg syrp syrh syrh(gr) arm eth ς ND Riv Dio NM ῥαββί θαβιθα κουμι] D ταβιθα κουμι] it ταβιθα] W 245 349 ita itr1 tabea acultha cumhi] ite
ἔγειρε] WH NR CEI ND Riv Dio TILC Nv NM ἐγεῖραι] Byz ς
καὶ εὐθὺς] WH καὶεὐθέως] Byz ς καὶ] p45vid copbo(pt)
ἐξέστησαν εὐθὺς] א B C L Δ 33 579 892 2427 pc copsa(mss) copbo eth WH (NA [εὐθὺς]) NR Riv NM ἐξέστησαν] p45 A K W Θ Π 0133 f1 f13 28 157 565 700 1009 1010 1071 1079 1195 1230 1241 1242 1253 1342 1344 1365 1424 1546 1646 2148 Byz Lect ita itaur itb ite itl vg syrp syrh copbo(mss) goth arm geo Diatessaronp ς CEI ND Dio TILC Nv ἐξέστησαν πάντες] D 2713 itc itd itf itff2 iti itq copsa copbo(ms) ἐξέστησαν οἱ γονεῖς αὐτῆς] (see Luke 8:56) 1216 2174 l48
γνοῖ] WH γνῷ] Byz ς
δοθῆναι] Byz ς WH δοῦναι] D
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'Vocabulary' Bibles link the translation to Greek & Hebrew. So far, only some Bibles have this vocabulary feature. They are shown in the Bible select screen with the letter 'V'.
It is the number of occurrences of a word in the Bible. Click on it to see them all in the selected Bible(s).
This reveals different forms for some words and names. These details are often interesting to scholars, eg the word 'beginning' in Genesis.
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1st method:
Click on a place name then on the Map button in the detailed lexicon.
2nd method:
1) Click the Resource icon.
2) Click on "Places in the Bible"
1st method:
Click on a place name then on the Map button in the detailed lexicon.
2nd method:
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1) Click on the analysis icon.
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How do I find more information on original languages?
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- How do I see the various versions of the Greek OT?
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1) Click on the Bible translation button
2) Refer to the legend and select the Bible translations with the Vocab feature
3) Click on the Option button, then click "Interlinear options”, then select "Greek / Hebrew". Original language vocab will be shown.
1) Click on the Bible translation button
2) Refer to the legend and select the Bible translations with the Vocab feature
3) Click on the Option button, then click "Interlinear options”, then select "Greek / Hebrew". Original language vocab will be shown.
Video guide
1) Click on the Bible translation button
2) Refer to the legend and select the Bible translations with the Vocab feature
3) Click on the Option button, then click "Interlinear options”, then select "Transliteration".
1) Click on the Bible translation button
2) Refer to the legend and select the Bible translations with the Vocab feature
3) Click on the Option button, then click "Interlinear options”, then select "Transliteration".
Video guide
1) Click on the verse number to list the words and meanings
2) Hover over or click on a word for more details about the word
1) Click on the verse number to list the words and meanings
2) Hover over or click on a word for more details about the word
Video guides
1) Click on the Bible translation button
2) Refer to the legend and select two Bible with the vocabulary feature
3) Click on the Option button, then click Interlinear”. Interlinear will be shown.
1) Click on the Bible translation button
2) Refer to the legend and select two Bible with the vocabulary feature
3) Click on the Option button, then click Interlinear”. Interlinear will be shown.
1) Click on the Bible translation button
2) Select “Ancient” for the language
3) Scroll down to see the Greek OT translations
2) Select “Ancient” for the language
3) Scroll down to see the Greek OT translations
Video guide
1) Click on the Bible translation button
2) Refer to the legend and select the Bible translations with the grammar feature
3) Click on the Option button, then click "Interlinear options", then click “Colour code grammar”. The text will then be colour coded.
4) To understand the colour code, click on the button “Configure colour code grammar”.
1) Click on the Bible translation button
2) Refer to the legend and select the Bible translations with the grammar feature
3) Click on the Option button, then click "Interlinear options", then click “Colour code grammar”. The text will then be colour coded.
4) To understand the colour code, click on the button “Configure colour code grammar”.
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